Prophetic Evangelism is a learning process
Not achieving what we set out to do indeed left us dismayed and disappointed. True, none of the downloads that the team received came to pass physically for our group that day. However I believe that something that the Lord was trying to tell us was to not focus on what did not happen, but rather on what did happen. Remembering that this may be the first time for some of us to seek downloads from the Lord and going for such an event, the Lord already showed us that He worked in whatever capacity that is in His will. With such little experience it is of wonder that our downloads matched with each other, both amateurs and mentors. I believe that the Lord is trying to teach us that as beginners we may not be as sensitive as we set our expectations to be. Some of us may have gone into this practice thinking that its only upon doing what we have been prepared for have we demonstrated success. But with time, experience, intimacy with the Holy Spirit and faith are we then able to finetune this gift, still remembering that even seasoned Prophetic Evangelists do make mistakes. It is never a first time hit and I think it opens up something we can look forward to as we journey on with the Holy Spirit in faith