Sharing the father’s love

During our Christmas Carnival outreach, we encountered several individuals whom God led us to minister to. First, we met an elderly couple near the tent. Offering them cake sparked a conversation, and we learned the husband, David, had diabetes. As we prayed for him, his wife revealed he was blind in his right eye. We continued praying, and he began to see light. Encouraging him to renounce doubt and claim hope in Christ, we shared testimonies of healing, leaving them visibly touched. Next, we met Wills, an American volunteer using a walking stick due to past back surgery. Agnes and I prayed for his healing. Later, we spoke to Uncle Ricky, who was loitering while his grandsons attended youth service. He shared deep anguish over his strained relationship with his son. As we prayed for restoration, he broke down in tears, visibly touched by God. We invited him to church and shared contact details. Finally, we met Kalai, a Tamil service attendee, enjoying ice cream. She requested prayer for her daughter, Reni, a pre-believer. We prayed for her to experience God’s presence and come to faith. She was deeply moved, saying our prayers spoke directly to her heart’s desires.

Taking on a raod that is less travelled

Before Kevin and I set out to the street, we prayed. Kevin sensed a man wearing green shirt and dark pant, while I sense God wants me to seek a man around 30-ish age, and or a woman, who is lonely in their hearts, needs love, setting like sitting in a cafe or coffee shop that has glass panel kind. So we walked down to the ends of Joo Chiat Road. Till the ends of the road, we decided to cross towards Little Farms Market and entered inside. I saw a woman ( who is married early and has 2 grown ups children, but is single for whatever reasons I did not ask) promoting fruit juices at the door way inside Little Farms Mart. And so we approached her and sampled some juices and chit-chat with her. I was asking her where does the juices made from and etc, and she told us the whole story of how her son is helping a friend who runs a business, and how she comes in to assist her son in promoting the juices, at the same time can earn some part-time income. When I asked her if her son is married and she replied, he just broke up with his girlfriend. While I was commenting that she’s so hardworking and had to come out to work over the weekend, suddenly I felt led by Holy Spirit to ask her about her health. She replied she has low blood level and is taking health supplements.  I asked her again if she had gone for health check up recently, but she replied she is ok. I think, maybe my persistency of asking her about health check up made her tensed up. She felt awkward but after I asked her if she is willing to let us pray for her. Then she told me, she had attended church before when she was a young primary school child but then stopped. I shared with her, I was also like her, attended church before when I was young. Later on when I grew up, I go back to Church and found Father’s love. Upon hearing that I go back to Church, she opens up. And Kevin and I prayed for her. We prayed that Jesus is our Miracle Healer, better than the doctors and scientists of this world. He loves her, and heals her lonely heart. Jesus knows everything about her as He creates her in His image, and wants her to come back to Him again. We also prayed a blessing over her, that her business selling juices will make profit and also a short blessing for her son’s business. After the prayer, I saw her like having teary waters at the corner of her eyes. I believe she is touched. She asked us where we from, and I told her and gave her the contact card of the church. After this, Kevin and I sat down at one coffee shop for meal. While eating, Kevin ministered to me in the area about PE. Really felt thankful for the day and what the Lord is doing.

I see my treasure

It was my first street Prophetic Evangelism training and we were told to exercise our prophetic gifts. So early this morning at 05:05am, Holy Spirit gave me a vision – a back view of a man wearing light blue shirt and dark pant, sitting positiin, with a big male-figured hand like resting on the man shoulder as if to comfort him. I quickly drew out my vision as I learnt through one of the prophetic dreams training before. But there are some uncertainty that still need to inquire of the Lord, such as the age, the race, ethnic, or what problem to pray for, the location. And later on a number “23” appear in a flash in my head. So when I reach our training place to meet my team 3, we felt the spirit of God was signaling us to go to I12 Katong. And that actually confirmed the address of I12 East Coast Rd. The “23” – is actually the reverse of E to “3”. There we began to search for our treasure. Initially, I was browsing around shops that has the unit number “23” or “33” for my treasures, and males wearing light blue shirt and dark pant. Though there were many males wearing light blue shirt, none of them wearing dark blue pant. Just as I was about to give up searching for shops that has number 23 or 33, I decided to go up to level 5 where the Cinema is. And suddenly from the escalator going up, i saw from back view, my treasure sitting there, wearing exactly light blue shirt and dark blue pant! I was very excited but also scared that I could make a mistake. I walked 1 round at the cinema praying in my heart to check with the Holy Spirit is it him and thought of going down to ask my team mate to come up with me. But then, I braced up my courage and approached my treasure. I said to him “excuse me sir, I am doing a treasure hunt with my friend around this place here, and you are my treasure as you fit my picture (which I showed him my drawing in my mobile).” Then, that’s where the barrier came. He is German and has limited English understanding. And his wife who was besides him, looking confused at me. I began to panic and started chicken and duck hand gesturing to the man. I even used google wikipedia to describe what treasure hunt to him. Finally, he got my point and that’s where we broke the ice and laughed. He even taught me in German the word treasure hunt means geocatching. I quickly explained to him that God want to bless him. So I quickly said “God bless you” to him, he and his wife slap high-5 to me as if in agreement.And before I depart, I turned around again and walked back to them and asked if I could take a photo with them to share with my team mates that I have found my treasure. They were so happy. After finishing my treasure hunt, my team decided to gather for lunch. After our lunch, Rebecca, Joanne and I were strolling around basement 1 and we came to a fruit juice stall, sampling fruit juices. Felt led by the Holy Spirit, I striked up a conversation with a young girl called Nikki. Casually asking her if she is on vacation now working part-time. There she told us she is a student, so I prayed for God’s wisdom to bless her in her studies. We asked her if she attends any church as our church is nearby, if not she could go to our church. But she said she attends a church. After that, we left the place. Overall, it was my first time doing this street prophetic Evangelism and felt good being led by the spirit to just approach someone and talk to her/him. I thank God for giving me the courage when I obey Him.

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