Joyful Experience
During the Christmas outreach, while walking around the Christmas Market, I felt the joy wanting to bless someone whomever I met, and when SK asked me whether I could bless a stall lady at one of the stall booth, I started praying for God to bless her with much joy & fruitfulness in her life and in response, she was appreciative of my gesture shown to her. In the second hour, I got the chance to befriend a deaf guy with K and he shared through a sign language that he was doing a Grab delivery services, shared how he would delivered food to different places. After that, I asked him if he has heard the gospel & he didn’t reply anything to my question. Yet, I blessed him anyway. Truly, it was wonderful time of opportunity to two different people at Christmas time.
Wonderful Outreach Expeience
This afternoon, Avas, Carol & myself, we went to Katong @112 and we first spotted a Cameroon couple who spoke little English to us and said that they were shopping around, + waited for their daughter to go somewhere thereafter that. Subsequently, we asked if we could pray for any difficult period in their life, they declined to speak anything & refused prayers, we then blessed them. Our next spot was when Carol approached and talked to climb central cashier on level 5 (Rock climbing area) – a Muslim who shared how he has been working part time for 5 years in Climb Central already, said that he is into Bio–Engineering in NUS, needed money to support the fees of his remaining course; and we offered to say any prayers, he said that he didn’t mind prayers, so Avas prayed that he would find joy as he spends his remaining time of studying in NUS till completion of his studies there. Our third stop saw that Carol approaching a domestic helper from to Myanmar who was waiting for her employer + his kid from their shopping, but she refused us to pray for her. Our final encounter also saw Carol approaching two JC 1 students (Joash – a believer, and his friend – a pre–believer) who were at ground entrance and they shared how they were waiting for results of their examination papers, so Avas prayed over them that they would not be waiting anxiously for their exam results but that they would have God’s peace within them while waiting for their results to be released out soon.We also encouraged Joash to bring his pre believing friend for church activities in his church that he would find + accept Christ in his life too. Truly, this outreach has been a fruitful one with four divine opportunities with four different sets of people!
Encouraged a helpless mother
During the prophetic outreach, the Lord impressed upon my heart a fountain fall with water gushing out & I shared this vision with Sau Kuen, Agnes & Avas who were my teammates before setting out. During the search for treasures, we found a little fountain fall with water vapors blowing out of streamers (dehumidifier) inside a shop. Sau Kuen asked Jeremy whether we could consider it, so they took faith & went in. We befriended a young divorcee mother & her daughter. Through the conversation, we know that she has Christian friends who encouraged her to believe in Jesus, but she felt that she was not ready yet. Subsequently, we found out that she was going through a court case over the custody of her children. This really concerns her as she is uncertain of the legal process and worried that she will lose the custody. To this, Avas mentioned if she needs help on legal matter, she can whatapp us using the PE number so that proper advice can be arranged with our fulltime staff. I also shared a Card with Bible verse from Ephesians 2:7 that it is by the grace & not by works that save us through God’s salvation of redemption. We manage to encourage her that God knows her situation & ask her to be strong. We did a prayer for her & blessed her with God’s presence & peace in her. Truly, what divine encounter and we plan to follow up with her on our next visit soon!
Glory to God
This afternoon, as Avais & I walked back to church in Katong Shopping Center towards the end of the building, we met two students ( the guy, a graduate and the girl, undergraduate), the guy started chatting with us followed by the girl after we introduced ourselves to them as we began talking about the course they studied in NTU and both replied that they did in Mass Com in Engineering, I then started asking the guy if he knew who was Jesus and the guy replied that he does but he has never experienced His love and grace at all, while the girl kept quiet. It was then, I began asking whether they had any difficult moments in their study life and assured them that God is there for them if they called upon Him. Avais too chipped in. Then, Avais started praying a blessing over them and I prayed for them too; after which, I gave the card to girl with John 3:16 verse written on it, encouraged them to go back, pondered and reflect upon it, & passed the church contact for them to contact of the church’s staff, or they may drop down for a visit and our conversation ended there. Overall, I thank God for letting me have a bold courage to approach two young students (with Avais’s support) who sat themselves on the bench, while waiting to join the queue for their cake order, and how I took the chance to God’s peace and grace with them during that short time of chat. All glory to GOD!
I give thanks to God that He led me & Victor to two elderly persons on the streets this morning even though both men had rejected accepting the Art card that had intended to be given to them. On another occasion, I also thank God that Abigail found a divine opportunity to share Christ with one sales promoter through one accepted it. Praise God!