An Opportunity
This was our first street outreach, hence naturally nervous, we were briefed b4 setting out. Brother A, held out 3 cards, inscribed with scriptures, shared and inspired by the Holy Spirit to brother J. Encouraged to give out the card if felt led. We each pick one and set off. I had the Place – Katong V (florist) no sense of Person or the Problem. Headed to Katong V, went into florist but didnt sensed the treasure in there. We sat nearby waited and prayed. My team mate, brother M felt just to share the good news and it confirmed because I spotted a young promoter at the main entrance, standing opposite the florist shop. The thought was “lonely”. We were taught to go in pairs but at that moment felt brother M to continue seated and to pray, while i approached the “treasure” since she is working. “Treasure”, a foreigner, recently came to Singapore, now works as promoter. Build up conversation with her and shared about Jesus, whom she had not heard. Could not talk in length but the card speaks all. I read to her “The Gift of Eternal Life” Roman 6:23 the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Call on to Jesus in your time you feel lonely or even your job as i ended there. I’m in awe. Though I could not go in length to share about Christ, the card left behind are God’s written word lsaiah 55:11 shall not return to Him void but it shall, accomplish to his purpose. I believe a seed is sown.
I give thanks to God that He led me & Victor to two elderly persons on the streets this morning even though both men had rejected accepting the Art card that had intended to be given to them. On another occasion, I also thank God that Abigail found a divine opportunity to share Christ with one sales promoter through one accepted it. Praise God!
Sometimes we reap, sometimes we Sow.
A group of 4 of us were looking for potential “treasures”. A conversation naturally emerged with a lady at a shopping mall. Someone noticed a cross tattoo on her finger and felt she could be a believer. That opened up the way for us to speak about God. As a team, we showed her care and had natural conversation. Eventually, she opened up to talk to us more about spiritual matters, and allowed us to pray for her a second time, in spite of previously having been prayed for by another group of Christians. The earlier group had paved the way for us. In this case, we got to reap but in other instances, we may be the ones to Sow. We could have been the earlier group. Whatever the outcome, it’s just important that we are obedient. It was encouraging how God used different people and our unity to fulfil His work and to share His love.
Being obedient
Cindy & SK felt led to speak to a lady at a shopping mall. They went forward to chit chat with her. Later on, they discovered she was going through some hormonal changes and experiencing depression. SK, having gone through such changes herself, shared her experience that it is possible to transit different stages of our life smoothly. They asked for her permission to pray for her which she readily agreed to. As they prayed, a big teardrop rolled off the lady’s cheeks. She was grateful for the conversation and prayer. Later, when on their own, Cindy & SK realised that they both had wanted to end the conversation at some point when they found out that lady has a different belief. However, they are glad that they decided to be a mouth piece that turn out to be a valuable encounter.
Faith renewed
During the PE training, SK felt led to look for man in black tee and bermuda with problem related to belly issue while per ministry partner had the word healing. Together with her ministry partner, they found treasure #1. In their conversation with treasure #1, his wife revealed that he had indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. So they prayed for his healing, as well as for one of his son who had low immunity. They then invited him and his family to visit our Church through the church service timing card. Shortly, they found treasure #2, an elderly lady in her 70s who was baptised in her younger days, but have wandered off from her faith. She asked for healing over various health and aging issues, in particular, an injury on her left upper arm where she had a surgery. She was opened to visit our service and the two had accompanied her for a season, to strengthen and renew her faith.
The Brown Poodle
After an inspiring session with Pst J, our team ventured out for food rather than treasure hunting. As we exited the eatery, two of us were drawn to a brown poodle in front of a store. Engaging with the poodle’s owner, we struck up a conversation, during which one team member, prompted by a nudge from God, asked if the owner used to sing. Surprised, the owner confirmed, revealing that health issues had stopped her from singing. We shared how Jesus can reconcile man with God, surprising the owner with the possibility of changing faith. We left her with a church service card and Matthew 7:7 in Chinese. The encounter, sparked by a poodle, was a divine appointment. Submitted by LK
The Church Across the Street
Carol and Sarah spoke to a worker taking a break at Katong V. They shared the message that Jesus loves him and discovered that he is a Malaysian Christian actively seeking a church. Since he finished work at 5 pm, they informed him that their church was just across the street and had a 5 pm service. He wasn’t aware of the nearby church, so they gave him a service timing card and encouraged him to visit. They also spoke with a florist near Katong V’s entrance. They hesitated but eventually shared the message, “Jesus misses you”. They learned that she was a Christian who hadn’t attended church in many years due to busyness at work. They also gave her a church service timing card, as she wasn’t aware of the nearby church.
While praying near Higher Ground, LK and Cindy had visions of a sunny-side-up, a dog e-collar, and scissors. As they left, they spotted a truck delivering eggs at the church entrance but did not approach the truck as it wasn’t a sunny-side-up. Later, as they crossed the street, they saw Sister E and Brother J from Higher Ground, who were carrying a tray of eggs. Their conversation was brief due to them rushing to open the shop. After searching the Katong area without finding a sunny-side-up, a dog e-collar, or scissors, they decided to return to the church and as they sat in front of Higher Ground, they noticed that the blinds were up, revealing a menu with a sunny-side-up near the cashier. They approached Brother J to inquire if he had any prayer requests, and he requested prayers for more volunteers to help at the shop as they were short-handed.