Dancing like David

R and I were activated to go out in pairs, it was our group first activation exercise. While at a stopover at a vegetarian shop, a lady, G came and sit down with us to share the same table together.

As G was having her meal, R and I sensed that it was a good chance to reached out to her. G shared that she lived nearby and attend a church in the marine parade area. She served as a dancer in her church.

I released words of blessings for G that she is going to dance like David, dance with freedom in the Holy Spirit, that is going to positively change the atmosphere. Adding on, people are going to be set free and enjoy the freedom in Jesus Christ. G feel ministered to, and she reasonated with the words released as she is a strong follower of the tribe of David.

We go out and build up His Church, be kingdom minded, to help followers of Jesus Christ realise they can dance with joy and rejoicing always.



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